Meet Angela

Angela is a gifted communicator, prophetic artist, prophetic teacher and has been in ministry for over 20+ years. 10 years of which was with Youth with a Mission where she was in charge of organising outreaches and ywam teams in London. She was also a base leader for a while in one of the ywam bases in London.

Angela carries a deep love and passion for people to hear the voice of God and has been teaching and equipping the body of Christ through our schools, conferences, events and church meetings where we are invited to about the importance of spending time with Jesus and making space to hear Him speak to us in our everyday life.

Angela has a strong prophetic teaching gift through which she is able to communicate the heart of God to people. She is Angela receives regular prophetic words for the nations and for the body of Christ which she shares on her personal blog. Angela has a passion to see people walk in their God given destiny. Angela primarily operates in the grace and office of an apostolic prophet, but has a passionate heart for evangelism.

Angela is a 1st and 2nd year graduate of the School of the Apostles and Prophets which is a ministry school of RIG Nation, a apostolic and prophetic ministry based in Houston, Texas and around the world. Angela also works for a Christian Charity, working with people struggling with homelessness. They provide housing support and support work and Angela works for the charity as the faith co-ordinator, giving them the Gospel, pastoring them and leading worship.

Angela holds a BA in Theology and Arts from the University of Liverpool, MA in Youth and Community work from Manchester Metropolitan University, has been a youth worker for a church in Peckam in London, worked as a youth leader in a church in Manchester and was the leader for a homeless ministry for 5 years run by her previous church in Manchester.

Meet Reggie

Reggie is a gifted networker and communicator. The Lord called him into evangelistic ministry when he was only 15 years of age, but it took many years of growing, developing and dying to himself, so the presence of God could increase in his life. Reggie has been in ministry for 15 years and has been able to train and equip the body of Christ in power evangelism since 2013.

Reggie has a big passion in his heart to see the church of Jesus Christ become all that she’s meant to be and walk in the fullness of God, where miracles, signs, wonders and salvations, healings, deliverances and encounters with Jesus is a everyday normal experience for the church of Jesus Christ.

Reggie has a huge heart to see the word and spirit movement working together to see a genuine move of God taking place in our generation. This is why he is very much focused on seeing every denomination working in unity together to see nations, cities, towns and communities transformed and impacted with the power of the Gospel.

Even though Reggie is primarily an evangelist, he does move strongly in the grace and calling of a prophet too. Reggie is known to receive specific words of knowledge about and for people he meets on the streets and during meetings.

Reggie is a graduate of United School of Ministry Manchester and a 2nd year degree with the Assemblies of God The Netherlands. He has experience in organizing and executing large scale outreaches. He has been instrumental in establishing a community café reaching out to the marginalized and seeing them get saved, added to a church family and getting baptized and growing in their walk with Jesus and he ran the café together with one of the elders of his church.

He has also been a Assemblies of God youth pastor. He worked for a non profit organization called youth for Christ and is a member of the Global Network of Evangelists. Reggie is married to his wife Angela for over 6 years and has co-founded and co-leads Hope Released Ministries, a ministry focusing on seeing cities and towns transformed with the Gospel, one community at a time.